Mixed Flower bouquet can use for many occasions such as birthday, anniversary, wedding, concerts or any other occasions. Our flower shop use the main flowers of roses, lilies, gerberas and carnation etc. mixed with seasonal matching flowers. Normally can be kept between 5 to 7 days at the room temperature. If you want the flowers to be last more longer, please remember replace the water of the vase everyday and add a little fresh flower preservative, so the roses can be more brilliant and lasting.
Brand: Hong Kong Flower Shop
Model: HKF-2875
A Seasonal Hyacinth Flowers Bouquet with different color for special one you love, please place your order two days in advance to make sure that we can order the grade A flowers for you
HK$1,270.00 HK$770.00
Brand: Hong Kong Flowers Supplier
Model: HKF-2963
A Fantastics Bouquet with One Dozen Roses in Purple Colors Hydrangea and Cymbidium beautifully wrapped in purple packing papers
HK$1,310.00 HK$1,110.00
Brand: Hong Kong Flowers Supplier
Model: HKF-2965
Red Color Lily arrange together with Blue color of Hydrangea, this colorful arrangement is good for ladies birthday
HK$1,040.00 HK$810.00
Brand: Hong Kong Flowers Supplier
Model: HKF-2825
Send a Bunch of flowers to your mom on Mothers day should make her smile everyday
HK$810.00 HK$710.00
Brand: Hong Kong Flowers Supplier
Model: HKF-3568
For that one-of-a-kind person in your life, offer a bouquet that is equally unique and captivating. This exquisite arrangement features classic red roses, infused with the charm of elegant red and pink tulips. All these are stylishly displayed in our exclusive Mirrored Silver Cube vase, providing a ..
HK$920.00 HK$770.00
Brand: Hong Kong Flowers Supplier
Model: HKF-3407
Mixed Bouquet , 4 Gerbera and 1 Lily..
HK$620.00 HK$580.00
Brand: Hong Kong Flowers Supplier
Model: HKF-3406
Mixed Bouquet ,2 Gerbera and 3 Rose..
HK$620.00 HK$560.00
Brand: Hong Kong Flowers Supplier
Model: HKF-2912
One Dozes Roses beautifully arrange with three ping pong flowers in white color..
HK$980.00 HK$940.00
Brand: Hong Kong Flowers Supplier
Model: HKF-3586
A Perfect Blue Hydrangea with one Doze Roses in Maria Pink Color, it is perfect for your dream lover and pink lady
HK$1,440.00 HK$1,240.00
Brand: Hong Kong Flowers Supplier
Model: HKF-2754
One Dozen Roses bouquet with Two Steam Red Tiger Lily beautifully arranged in Purple color papers..
HK$860.00 HK$810.00